IBAC to get beefed-up powers

IBAC to get beefed-up powers

In a move long awaited by ART, the Government announced on 29 November 2015 that  Victorian  IBAC watchdog is finally to get the necessary teeth to investigate MPs, judges and public servants with legislation to be presented in the December sittings. ART members have...

Barry Jones on Democracy in Australia – Two Papers

Barry Jones on Democracy in Australia – Two Papers

Barry Jones, a longstanding member of Accountability Round Table has written two papers on the state of democracy in Australia from two different perspectives. These provide a context for openness and accountability in Australian government and public institutions....

“Buying Power” – Audio of the ICAN event

“Buying Power” – Audio of the ICAN event

Here are audio files of the three speakers at the recent "Buying power" ICAN event on the many negative effects of political donations on political decision making. Mr Royce Millar is a Fairfax investigative journalist with a special interest in public policy and...

Do we have a corruption problem in Victoria?

Do we have a corruption problem in Victoria?

Recently ART has written to the Special Minister of State, the Hon. Gavin Jennings, to explore the question, "Do we have a corruption problem in Victoria?" This question has not been explored for some time. Corruption is an ever present threat, especially where large...

Abolition of the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.

Abolition of the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.

ART is very concerned that Freedom of Information (FOI) provisions at the Federal level are under threat and a dangerous precedent subverting the Senate's constitutional position may be being set. We have previously made a submission to the Senate Committee...

Queensland Election.  Labor Party promises on anti-corruption

Queensland Election. Labor Party promises on anti-corruption

The Queensland Labor Party has given a comprehensive response to our request for comment on matters of anti corruption prior to the Queensland state election. The full response letter from the Hon Tim Mulherin, Deputy Leader of the Opposition is linked here, but a...

Queensland Election.  Call for Party promises on anti-corruption

Queensland Election. Call for Party promises on anti-corruption

On January 13th, ART sent a letter to all major parties contesting the Queensland election, the Liberal National Party, the Australian Labor Party, Palmer United Party, the Greens, and Katter's Australia Party.  This letter requested the commitment of all parties to...

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