by jmsthornton | Jan 27, 2015 | News, Public Trust, Reforms
This is the text of a speech presented by the Hon T H Smith QC, at Waverly Rotary Club on 27 January 2015 Australia’s Democratic governments; a proud history, their present state and future? Tim Smith 27 January 2015 On this year’s Australia Day, community...
by jmsthornton | Jan 23, 2015 | Corruption, Election, Freedom of Information, News, Political Funding, Queensland, Queensland Crime and Corruption Commission (CCC), Reforms
The Queensland Labor Party has given a comprehensive response to our request for comment on matters of anti corruption prior to the Queensland state election. The full response letter from the Hon Tim Mulherin, Deputy Leader of the Opposition is linked here, but a...
by jmsthornton | Jan 14, 2015 | Corruption, Election, News, Queensland, Queensland Crime and Corruption Commission (CCC)
On January 13th, ART sent a letter to all major parties contesting the Queensland election, the Liberal National Party, the Australian Labor Party, Palmer United Party, the Greens, and Katter’s Australia Party. This letter requested the commitment of all...
by jmsthornton | Oct 21, 2014 | Corruption, Federal, Federal Government, Ministerial Responsibility, News, Open Government
Following on from the revelations of the NSW ICAC, there have been a number of calls for a “federal ICAC” or federal anti -corruption commission. This year, there were a number of initiatives to try to establish such a commission. The earliest appeal for a...
by jmsthornton | Oct 5, 2014 | Corruption, Election, Freedom of Information, News, Trust in Government, Victoria
Colleen Lewis writes for ‘The Conversation’ on the cynicism and corrosion of trust expressed by the voting public concerning our politicians. Public disdain, she argues may ultimately undermine our democracy. The next election in Victoria provides an...
by jmsthornton | Oct 3, 2014 | News, Trust in Government
The Hon Barry Jones AC, FAA FAHA FTSE FASSA FACE ‘What’s wrong with our democracy?’ Talk given to ICAN – The Independent Community Accountability Network Hawthorn Community Precinct. 584 Glenferrie Road, Hawthorn. Thursday 2 October 2014, 1600 TRANSCRIPT Barry...