by jmsthornton | Nov 21, 2017 | Election, Queensland, Reforms
Following receipt of a letter from Annastacia Palaszczuk, QLD Premier, outlining her government’s activities on transparency and open government, ART circulated the following request for commitments by all QLD political parties to the same principles. We only...
by jmsthornton | Nov 21, 2017 | Election, Queensland, Reforms
Letter from Annastacia Palaszczuk, QLD Premier to Accountability Round Table: Commitments to Openness and Transparency ANNASTACIA PALASZCZUK MP PREMIER OF QUEENSLAND AND MINISTER FOR THE ARTS 26th October 2017 Dear Mr Smith When my Government was elected in...
by jmsthornton | Mar 20, 2017 | Open Government, Open Government Partnership (OGP)
It’s good news that the Federal Government and civil society completed and lodged, with the (International) Open Government Partnership, Australia’s first National Action Plan (NAP) on 8th of December last year to improve and strengthen transparency and...
by jmsthornton | Nov 20, 2016 | Federal Government, Freedom of Information, Office of the Australian Information Commissioner, Open Government, Open Government Partnership (OGP), Public Trust, Reforms, Submissions
FREEDOM OF INFORMATION Open Government Australia in its Draft National Action Plan includes Commitment 3.1 – Information management and access laws for the 21st century. At present the draft commitment reads; “We will ensure our information access laws are...
by jmsthornton | Nov 20, 2016 | ACLEI, Corruption, National Integrity Commission, Open Government, Open Government Partnership (OGP), Public Trust, Submissions
AN AMBITIOUS NATIONAL INTEGRITY FRAMEWORK Open Government Partnership Australia is developing a National Action Plan. The current Draft Plan (as a subset of the commitment in theme 4, to Integrity in the public sector) now includes a commitment to a National...