by jmsthornton | Nov 2, 2015 | Political Funding, Trust in Government
This is Cristina Neesham’s address in text form, on the role of culture in shaping responsibility and responsible behaviours of those engaged in lobbying and political donations. This was one of the talks given to ICAN, The Independent Community Accountability...
by jmsthornton | Oct 29, 2015 | Lobbying, Political Advertising, Political Funding, Public Trust
Below is the text of an address on the noxious effects of money and lobbying on Government decision-making given to ICAN, The Independent Community Accountability Network by Associate Professor The Hon. Dr Ken Coghill. This talk was given at an event held on Wednesday...
by jmsthornton | Oct 20, 2015 | Federal Government, Office of the Australian Information Commissioner, Open Government, Open Government Partnership (OGP)
Malcolm Turnbull has promised to “restore accountability and improve transparency measures to be more accountable to you”. That commitment had been breached by the government, in particular by its bill to abolish the Office of the Australian Information...
by jmsthornton | Oct 19, 2015 | News, Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
George Brandis may not have answered our letter to him concerning the defunding of the OAIC with anything other than the justification of efficiency, arguing that abolition of the OAIC is “consistent with its policy to reduce the size of government and...
by jmsthornton | Oct 14, 2015 | Office of the Australian Information Commissioner, Open Government Partnership (OGP)
The intransigence of the Attorney General on the matter of the abolition of the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner continues. This failure to act renders the government’s commitment to open government a hollow promise. In our latest letter, we...