ART, via David Solomon, Chair, Queensland Committee of the Accountability Round Table, has made a submission to the Inquiry into the Parliament of Queensland and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2015. The website of the Queensland Inquiry best explains the context.

“On 27 March 2015 the Premier introduced the Parliament of Queensland and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2015 into the Queensland Parliament.  In accordance with Standing Order 131, the Bill was referred to the Finance and Administration Committee for detailed consideration.  

The Premier’s introductory speech states the Bill has the following three major purposes:

  • the first is to restore autonomy to the position of Speaker within the parliament by returning responsibility for the management of the Parliamentary Service to the Speaker;
  • the second is to enable a crossbench member to be included on the membership of the Committee of the Legislative Assembly and to provide the Speaker with a deliberative vote on all questions at CLA meetings and a casting vote in the case of a tied vote;
  • and the third is to retrospectively revoke determination 7/2015 of the Queensland Independent Remuneration Tribunal and to outline a new process for the tribunal to follow in making determinations about salary entitlements for members of the Legislative Assembly.”


Our ART submission calls for restoration of the role of the Speaker in the administration and management of the Parliament and emphasizes the autonomy of the Speaker as an important element of the separation of the powers of government and the legislature.


Our submission may also be read on the Queensland Parliamentary web site

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